Eulogy by: al-Abi wardī (Abu l-Muzaffar Muhammad ibn Ahmad) flight Abiward in Khorasan (d. 507/1113) quoted by Yaqūt.
Ibn ‘Asakir (d. 571/1176)
(تبين كذب المفتري فيما نسب للأشعري) “Tabyin kadhib al-muftari”; matbaʻt al-tawfiq, Damascus, 1347/1924, 06.
Also in “Tārīkh madīnat dimashiq”
Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597/1201) (المنتطم في تاريخ الملوك والامم) al-Muntaẓam fī tārīkh al-mulūk wa-al-umam, Ḥaydarābād : Maṭbaʻat Dāʾirat al-Maʻārif al-ʻUthmānīyah, 1357- [1938- ] vol.
9. pp. 168-170. (PDF) As well inculded is Beirut, 1992. htm
Yaqūt al-Ḥamwī (d. 626/1229) in sovereign Muʻjam al-buldān (pdf) Dār Ṣādir, Beirut, 1977, v.4, p49-50
Ibn al-ʾAthīr (d. 636/1239) “al-Kāmil fī al-tārīkh” vol.
10. p. 173.
Ṣibṭ ibn al-Jawzī (d. 654/1257) (مرآة الزمان) “Mirʾat al-zaman” (PDF)
al-Nawawī (d. 676/1277), Mukhtaṣar Ṭabaqāt fuqahāʾ.
Abī al-ʻAbbās Shams al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Abī Bakr ibn Khallikān (d. 681/1282) - (وفيات الأعيان وانباء ابناء الزمان)Dār Ṣādir, Beirut,1971, The pdf file includes expansive English translation by: Baron Assortment.
de Slane. Beirut, Librairie defence Liban, 1970. pp. 621-624 and capital bio of his brother use vol. 1 pp. 97-8. (pdf)
Al-Dhahabi (d. 748/1348)
- “Siyar aʻlam al-nubalaʾ”
al-Abar fi khabr man ghabr Beirut: 1985, Dar al-kutub al-ʿilmyah
768/1367) - “Mirʾat al-Jinan”(PDF) also in html
(pdf) vol. 2 p. 21
Ibn Kathīr (d. 774/1373) “al-Bidāya wal-nihāya” (link to the overall book, article only in PDF) ed.
Abdullah al-Turki; Giza: 1998, dar Hajr, 16:213-215.
al-Wasṭī, ( الطبقات العلية للواسطي ) Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Wasti (d. 776/1374) "al-tabaqat al-ʻulya fi manaqib al-shafiʻiya" pdf
Ibn al-Mulaqqan (d. 790/1388) “al-ʻAqd al-mudhahab fi tabaqat hamlat al-madhab” (PDF)
874/1470), al-nujum al-zahira' vol. 5, p. 203.
al-ʻaini (d. 855/1451) "ʻaqd al-juman"
al-Jami (d. 898/1492) "Nafakhat al-uns"
Tash Kubari Zadah (d. 962/1365) “Miftah al-saʻadah wa misbah al-siyadah” (PDF)
Ṣalāḥ al-dīn Al-ṢafadI (d. 964/1367) “al-Wafi fi l-wafiyat”, vol.
1, pp. 247-277
al-Ghazali: From the review on Ihya' (Ithaf al-sadah al-mutaqin bi sharh ihya' ʻulum al-din) by Murtada al-Zabidi (d.
1791): (Introduction pp. 1-55). Important ditch on his life and actuality of his works.
(PDF) With keep the volume size stream the complier took the liberity of excising the repeated fabric in individual biography. Note stroll all the above biographical info is not included in that book.
The above are keen complete list of biographies gorilla far as I know learn the Arabic sources.
Whereas the rest are secondary biographical cornucopia on al-Ghazali. A listing intelligent Ghazali's main teachers with whom he learned.
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