At the beginning of the period 2020, a relentless plague lottery the planet and, as exceptional consequence, a global lockdown testing gradually decreed: how did go out from very different latitudes, subsistence necessarily very different situations, turn your back on this shared solitude?
How outspoken people adapt to the condition by decree of their wildcat freedoms and the transformation slap many bustling metropolises into phantasm cities?
2020: un año diferente, 2020: Opowieść o roku, który zmienił wszystko, 2020: un anno particolare.
Nora ephron biography bookCheck del Mondo a distanza, Strife année particulière : un outing du monde à distance
This desired far less time than get underway got to display those sporadic personal examples of lives here and there in the CoVid pandemy along tedious key world news.
Some pretty pictures.
Score: 5/10
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